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Sus scrofa (pig) ssc-miR-9 URS00001CC441_9823

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ssc-miR-9: Ssc-mir-9 is a microRNA that has been identified in several studies and has been found to target host-encoded pre-miRNAs, including ssc-mir-21 [PMC4363316]. In pig samples, ssc-mir-9, along with ssc-mir-26a and ssc-mir-99a-5p, were found to be abundantly expressed [PMC7809845]. The accuracy of miRNA sequencing data was validated by qRT-PCR for five differentially expressed miRNAs, including ssc-mir-9 [PMC9778086]. In another study, ssc-mir-9 was found to be down-regulated along with several other miRNAs in a high feed efficiency group compared to a low feed efficiency group [PMC9778086]. The expression of ssc-mir-9 was also found to be inhibited by the YN15 strain and activated by the YN144 strain in relation to the expression of FN1, ITGβ1, and ITGα5 [PMC7820490]. Additionally, ssc-mir-9 was identified as one of the miRNAs that regulate pathogenicity-related signaling pathways [PMC7820490].

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This sequence is found in 22 other species

  1. Alligator mississippiensis ami-miR-9-5p
  2. Bos taurus (cattle) bta-miR-9-5p
  3. Branchiostoma floridae (Florida lancelet) bfl-miR-9-5p
  4. Branchiostoma lanceolatum Bla-Mir-9_5p (mature (guide))
  5. Cervus elaphus cel-miR-9
  6. Cricetulus griseus cgr-miR-9
  7. Cyprinus carpio (common carp) ccr-miR-9-3p
  8. Haplochromis burtoni abu-miR-9-5p
  9. Limulus polyphemus Lpo-Mir-9-P24_5p (mature (guide))
  10. Lytechinus variegatus lva-miR-9-5p
  11. Mus musculus Mus_musculus piRNA piR-mmu-8236835
  12. Neolamprologus brichardi (lyretail cichlid) nbr-miR-9
  13. Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) oni-miR-9a
  14. Ornithorhynchus anatinus oan-miR-9-5p
  15. Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey) pma-miR-9a-5p
  16. Pristionchus pacificus ppc-miR-9
  17. Ptychodera flava Pfl-Mir-9-v2_5p (mature (co-guide))
  18. Python bivittatus (Burmese python) pbv-miR-9-5p
  19. Saccoglossus kowalevskii Sko-Mir-9-v2_5p (mature (co-guide))
  20. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spu-miR-9-5p
  21. Taeniopygia guttata Tgu-Mir-9-P4_5p (mature (co-guide))
  22. Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) xtr-miR-9-5p